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midnight worlds 7:17 (midnight_worlds_717.xm)

Info Summary

  • midnight_worlds_717.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 298.47KB in size and has been downloaded 276 times since Mon 29th Aug 2005 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 135988
  • Downloads: 276
  • Favourited: 1 times
  • MD5: c7e5746361f2259e206db57728e92735
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 12
  • Uncompressed Size: 298.47KB
  • Genre: n/a

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Info Internal Texts *

midnight worlds


a twist! release


everything seems so
far away, beyond the
ordinary. midnight has
fallen, the city dark
with numbness.
but far away, slightly
dimmed you hear sounds
beautiful sounds,
so well organised,
all the sounds seem
to fall in the right
place in the right
moment. as you come
closer you see that
the sound emerges
from a nightclub.
the sounds blend, and
you begin to hear the
rhythmic pulse of the
beat. the one sound
splits up into all
kinds of different
sounds but at the same
time, form an
unseperatable part.
as your enter the
dim nightclub, the
sound still seems
so far away. first,
just as your eyes
have adapted to the
darkness, you can
see the blinking
lights, the flashing,
moving rays of
energy that move
in perfect harmony
to the music. and the
sound becomes more
clear. the closer
you get to the source
of the music, the
more treble you
hear, and slightly
more bass. before
you're aware of this
harmony of sounds
and light, and the
people dancing to
the music, all in the
same rhythm, you
are a part of that
dynamic scene. and you
get sucked up by
the hectic but still
relaxed ambience of
this small world.
and you think of
how you were wandering
around just an hour
ago. looking for a bar
or something else to
make time go by more
quickly. that a thing
like this could have
existed, you never
even dared imagining!
as you dance on with
the crowd which seems
to be a unity, you
forget about all you
have ever learned.
you seem to have
reached an other
state of mind. a state
of happiness, of
a sense of unity, a
feeling of escaping
from the world for
a while. and as time
passes on you realise
that dawn is
coming closer and
as you look at your
watch you see that
it has been 6:00 am
already. what a rush
in time there must
have been you think.
you leave the club
just like the way you
entered it some time
ago, and the music
fades... first the
high tones fade,
followed by the low
bass... finally you
are in total peace.
no sounds around
you and no people
in the streets. on the
west you can see the
sun, trying to bring
some daylight over
the city. as you walk
home you can see
the lights are on
in some houses, and
slightly you begin to
become aware of
reality again...
as you enter your
own apartment with
all its own things
in it which make you
feel at ease, you step
into bed and lay down.
you drift off in a
peacefull dream...


TR808 Snaredrum
16Bit edit (Cosmic)
TR808 Snaredrum
8Bit (Cosmic)

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
