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Forrest Hymn (forrest.it)

Info Summary

  • forrest.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 366.84KB in size and has been downloaded 4380 times since Thu 15th Jul 1999 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 43260
  • Downloads: 4380
  • Favourited: 3 times
  • MD5: bb5462b69196d26cf3245d13b84d76d6
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 26
  • Uncompressed Size: 366.84KB
  • Genre: New Age

License License


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (9 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by Arne Puszelski on Thu 14th May 2009, rated 10 / 10.

When this song is the forrest hymn, I´ll go into the forrest more often! Awesone composition with the right feeling for the melody! Very great samples and sound building. Outstanding work!!!

member Posted by Apocalyptiq on Wed 3rd Oct 2007, rated 10 / 10.

This is the best joyful-new age track I've ever listened! Great melody of acoustic guitar, flute, and strings, choir... Wonderful climate!
Very thanks guys for this beautiful song! :)

member Posted by jonnymind on Sun 4th Jun 2000, rated 9 / 10.

The sound of this song is definitely a good example of what today's music should be. The overall artistic value of this song is great. It's based on a guitar picking main theme, very well sequenced, some background armonic line instruments (low strings), and a simple rithm line. There is a flute thats counterpunts the guitar, and takes the main line in the middle part of the song. The minor chord progression is raffinate, and throug minor, is still happy feeling. After a short bridge it becomes major, and the break is like a sunshine strike in a sad forest. Great! The only bad note is about the ending, that could have been better implemented; it's not for the 3d chord 4rt to major ("flourishing") ending, that is often used in new age and contemporary music, but for the brisk stop to the song, that is in contrast with the mild passages of the rest of the melody. The song have been greatly rehandled till the TWO authors found it perfect. We can share their point of view: instruments are mixing well, with a excellent choiche of volume slides. Flutes and guitar passages are gracefully glissed and stretched. Very nice the intro sequence, with a guitar being accorded.

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Info Internal Texts *

   Forrest Hymn
   Composed And Arranged By
   Spin Dizzy & Warder

   Duration: 3.46
   Finished: 3.2.99


   I, Spin Dizzy, began to work on this song sometime during the end
   of Autumn 1998 when I asked my good friend Scorpik if I could have
   permission to use his guitar and flute sounds in one of my own
   projects. The permission was granted and I started to compose some
   of the guitar sequences used in this song.

   After a while though, i ran out of ideas and inspiration for it.
   Meanwhile I came in contact with Warder, who I thought was a very
   talented musician. Therefor I asked him if he were interested in
   doing a collaboration with me, namely Forrest Hymn. Though there
   was a slight problem with our collaboration since I compose using
   FastTracker and Warder uses ImpulseTracker. But it worked out okay
   at the end I think. The tune is saved in ImpulseTracker format
   because of some instrument settings, functions etc.

   Since then we have worked on it from time to time and now, 5 months
   after I started to compose it, it's finally finished.

   A big thank you to Adam Skorupa, Scorpik, who let me use his great
   forrest sounds. All other instruments by Warder.

    -Spin Dizzy


   When Spindizzy first asked me to work with him I was pretty excited
   since this was my first international co-op. The first version he
   sent me included a beautiful atmospherical guitar picking pattern that
   had a fairly standard though beautiful chord progression.

   To complement that part I wrote a less straight part with a slowly
   building tension that is used twice in the song, first time leading
   into Spinny's main theme as a calm interlude, next time the tension
   gets released with an outburst of energy as the guitar picks up speed.

   Spindizzy wrote some cool flute leads and made those parts longer.

   In the end, I feel I couldn't uncover the full potential this song had,
   but we have to accept that composition is always a chaotic process, much
   more so when there are two independant people working on it. However,
   there are a lot of captivating moments and good ideas in this tune.

   I also adjusted all chords to wide voicing (alto voice transposed an
   octave down) to make the sound softer and better.




Moody Strings
Guitar Side

#Spin Dizzy & Warder
#(C) 1999 Poise Records

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