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March of the Silhouettes (arc-silhouettes.it)

Info Summary

  • arc-silhouettes.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 218.21KB in size and has been downloaded 635 times since Sat 23rd Jan 2021 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 191133
  • Downloads: 635
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: daec1a55563d3949a66664d55d7ade66
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 12
  • Uncompressed Size: 218.21KB
  • Genre: Piano

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comments Artist's Comments

artist Completed in April 1997.

Two of my high school friends, referred to as Lord Moe and Daven in the comments, had completed a song called Youth’s Dance of the Silhouettes. I thought it was promising and decided to compose my own take on it. I probably should not have been as critical in my comments, even if it was very mild - their song was good, especially considering neither of them had much experience using trackers.

For my take on it, I added percussion, bass guitar, and expanded the song. I think the strings may have been my addition as well. Most of the melody is based on the original work, but towards the end I introduce a new section in my own style. I think my style is clearly different from the original authors - their original work focuses more on the piano and plays it as a ballad; in my new section, the piano just plays backing chords so that the flute does most of the work.

I’m not sure how well my percussion works in this song, and it definitely does not sound like a march, despite the title. It might have been better to ease up on the drums and not have them be so frenetic. Another flaw is that I occasionally doubled-up the piano notes, especially at the start. I don’t remember if that was in the original or not (the original is probably lost forever). Regardless of whether it was in the original, I should have known by that point not to do that.

I haven’t been in touch with either of these friends since high school. I met Daven in middle school when we performed together in a production of Love’s Labour’s Lost - he played Don Adriano de Armado, and I played Moth, his page. We didn’t interact a whole lot after that (he was a grade older than me) but he was a bright guy and we got along well. I didn’t meet Lord Moe until high school. His name was Mohamed but we started calling him Moe as a nickname. I heard through second-hand sources that he didn’t like the nickname at first, but it grew on him. Really we should have stopped calling him Moe if he didn’t like it.

Overall I don’t have much to say about this song, it’s not my most interesting or exciting work but it’s solid and constructed well enough.
- arcturus

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Info Internal Texts *

March of the Silhouettes

by Arcturus

This is a remix of Lord Moe's and Daven's song, YDOTS.  YDOTS was good,
(especially since it was Moe's second track) but it was very melancholy.
I added drums, a bass guitar, various effects and some new patterns to add
a special flavor to this song.  It's a bit more upbeat now.  The ending
and beginning are the same.  In fact, every patterns after pattern 8 are
new.  Enjoy!


Med Piano (strings)
Hi Quality Strings
Good Piano Low
Open Hat
Closed Hat
Looping Bass
Med Piano (strings)
Hi Quality Strings
Good Piano Low
Open Hat
Closed Hat
Looping Bass

March of the Silhouettes

by Arcturus


Youth's Dance of the

by Lord Moe and
Daven Tillinghast

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
