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Love Is Unity (loveunit.it)

Info Summary

  • loveunit.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 369.47KB in size and has been downloaded 1061 times since Tue 8th Apr 2014 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 174933
  • Downloads: 1061
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: 4f46d9378de17510082fe3bcddb40304
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 16
  • Uncompressed Size: 369.47KB
  • Genre: Trance - Goa

License License

artists Registered Artist(s):


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (4 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

Favourites People who like this tune

  • None, yet!

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by tomaes on Tue 6th May 2014, rated 5 / 10.

Sinister stuff. Vexing and broken too. Almost a-musical and very arbitrary in many places, it's certainly no masterpiece of whatever genre this might belong to (Industrial Goa Noise?), but it kept me interested for a while.

member Posted by Katie Cadet on Sun 4th May 2014, rated 3 / 10.

First of all, I don't like the aspects of this tune that sounds more like real Goa Trance Music. If that person has made it better it would give a higher rating. The other tune I listened to was OK at first but this one is not! Sorry, I can't give this a good rating! You should at least made the tune a little better, like filters, melodies, harmonies, high hats, and stuff like that! That's the rule for making better music!

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Info Internal Texts *

Basty/CDGS presents:

                 │     ┌───┐           ┌───        .  ┌────
                 │     │   │  └┐   ┌┘  │              │
                 │     │   │   └┐ ┌┘   ├──         │  └───┐
                 │     │   │    └┬┘    │           │      │
                 └───  └───┘     │     └───        │  ────┘

                               ┌──┐  . ──┬── ┐   ┌
                        │   │  │  │      │   └┐ ┌┘
                        │   │  │  │  │   │    └┬┘
                        │   │  │  │  │   │     │
                        └───┘  │  │  │   │     │

Duration: 6:43 mins
Composed from February, the 4th, 2013 to April, the 6th, 2014.
Total composing time was over 16+ hourz.
Channels: 16/37 (Host/Virtual)
Samples are taken from SLiCE, subhuman, jcl, K3o3 and various unknown
people. Thank you all!

(IT2.14+ version required due to sample compression !)

Hello everyone! And especially to my lovely friends! I know it has been
quite a long time before I went back at tracking. This is my first release
which not only needed more than one year of composing period, but also is
the one I spent most time on. There has been lots of work to be done

Special thanks fly out to Christopher Fix and his new lovely girl Eva for
listening to it before hand and therefore helped me in remembering that
it's time now to continue this song which I started at my birthday,
becoming 33 years. Their critics also helped a lot to make this track much
better. Thank you!

A final note to Josefine Strauch, my former girl, if you ever read this:
I wish you good luck on your further way in life and I also hope that you
can deal with your health issues as soon as possible and that you
fully recover very fast from any sufferings. In love!

At last, a peacely, lovely and yet still an unified good bye to you all!

Scene greetings:
CREW, THE SUPERIONS, ZaSTaR, SHiZO and all others I've forgotten (I know
that I always forget somebody, so forgive me. If you're a quality scene
member/group, I probably have forgotten you, unless I don't know you)...

The beloved personal greetings just fly out peacefully to:
Josefine Strauch, Sarasvati, Graf Philip Brockdorff and Claudia, Iris
Martinek, Martin Nier, Patros Jaeger, Jessica Vogt, Frederic LeBlanc,
Heike, Laela, Bluetaurus, Jennifer Klemme, Thilo Blitz, Toby, Jana, Sahne,
Arkana, Suse Lewerenz, Frederic LeBlanc, Frederic Schulze, Felix
Muenchhalfen, Montalk (dear Tom, thanks for knowing you), Sascha Walther,
Quirin Blaeser, Susanne Kueppers and all other from Tollense Lebenspark
project, Yasmin Blitz, Wilhelm Hanrath, Frank Robel, Silke Meyer, Linda
Klesper, Sabine Demonthy, Hassan Anani, Gwendolyn Kriwaczek, Neoschamane,
tUv0k, Scorpion25, Habib, Lars-Christian Pelz (aka DJ Trackmaster),
Kristina & Eva Kratochvilova from Czech Republic, Lloyd Rosen, Aleksander
Baldeck (aka Wonder), Werner Kunze (and Jan), Jan Woelk, Angela Doege,
Heidi & Toyo and all others from the various Goa festivals, Boris Kapuste,
Holger Pasch, Thomas Thuermann, Annett Callies, Markus Steinwerth, Thomas
Schmidt, Michael & Matthias Grosse, Lars Schmidt, Jens Grehl, Heike
Moebius, Juergen Klotz, Christian Kraft, Claudia Voigt, Bartosz Marek,
Sascha Heu, Oliver Maruschko, Stefan Wiedmann, Katja Georgl, Katja
Schoetz, Carsten Graubmann, Stefan Wagner, Steffen Friedrich, Ronald Jahn,
Carsten Zackel, Matthias Heger, Robert Wiesdof, Sven Schellberg, Romy
Schulz, Bjoern Boettcher, Lars Knipping, Ralf Anske, Folker Gramse
and...YOU! (for listening to this music, even if you found it shit). And,
of course, all others who I've forgotten.

For more infos about our group look our CDGS.NFO file which should be
supplied with this song.

If you want to contact me, please do it via E-Mail:

or my Legalize!-hompeage:
http://www.legalize.com/greenhouse/bastyseasons (Legalize Marijuana and
                                                 end the drug war !!!)

Bye Bye !
                           :-) Basty (-:

Shamanism, breaking the barriers of the physical world.


Basty/CDGS presents:
  *** LOVE iS UNiTY ***
(IT2.14+ required !)

Duration: 6:43 mins
Date: 06-Apr-2014
Composing time: 16+ hourz
Channels: 16/37 (Host/V.)
Samples: SLiCE,
         subhuman, jcl,
         K3o3 and

Hello folks! Just glad
to be able to present you
another piece of Goa
trance music. I dearly
hope you enjoyed it as
much as I was composing
it. This song has been
dedicated to all beings
who share the idea of
peace, love and unity!

Enjoy it!
(4 more infos press
SHIFT-F9 in IT or M in
Cubic Player. For other
players/trackers refer
to your documentation how
to show the song message)


Basty/CDGS presents:
  *** LOVE iS UNiTY ***
(IT2.14+ required !)

Duration: 6:43 mins
Date: 06-Apr-2014
Composing time: 16+ hourz
Channels: 16/37 (Host/V.)
Samples: SLiCE,
         subhuman, jcl,
         K3o3 and

Hello folks! Just glad
to be able to present you
another piece of Goa
trance music. I dearly
hope you enjoyed it as
much as I was composing
it. This song has been
dedicated to all beings
who share the idea of
peace, love and unity!

Enjoy it!
(4 more infos press
SHIFT-F9 in IT or M in
Cubic Player. For other
players/trackers refer
to your documentation how
to show the song message)

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
