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Ascension Alchemy (ascalcmy.it)

Info Summary

  • ascalcmy.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 1.11MB in size and has been downloaded 2051 times since Sun 23rd Sep 2012 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 172893
  • Downloads: 2051
  • Favourited: 1 times
  • MD5: ea6469cd3a5ad2c909295f90c39c43dc
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 16
  • Uncompressed Size: 1.11MB
  • Genre: Trance - Goa

License License

artists Registered Artist(s):


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (6 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

Favourites People who like this tune

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by Katie Cadet on Wed 31st Oct 2012, rated 6 / 10.

Well, This song is a little off-key, and a little off-beat as well, But It's a cool mixture of Psychedelic Goa Trance blended in with Techno, EBM, Industrial Electronic, and Hardstyle. I think this song gives it a 6 because this song is way too cool. Note: This song is tested by me using BeroTracker (2010 version) on a Windows XP SP2 computer. Another Note: Some of BastyCDGS' songs may include info about the song that might include some swearing, cussing and cursing in it, so try to ignore that. Anyways, I give it a 6 because it's a very cool track.

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Info Internal Texts *

Basty/CDGS presents:

           ┌───┐ ┌───  ┌───  ┌───  ┌───┐  ┌────  .  ┌───┐  ┌───┐
           │   │ │     │     │     │   │  │         │   │  │   │
           ├───┤ └──┐  │     ├──   │   │  └───┐  │  │   │  │   │
           │   │    │  │     │     │   │      │  │  │   │  │   │
           │   │ ───┘  └───  └───  │   │  ────┘  └  └───┘  │   │

                 ┌───┐      ┌───  │   │  ┌───  ┌─┬─┐ ┐   ┌
                 │   │ │    │     │   │  │     │ │ │ └┐ ┌┘
                 ├───┤ │    │     ├───┤  ├──   │ │ │  └┬┘
                 │   │ │    │     │   │  │     │   │   │
                 │   │ └─── └───  │   │  └───  │   │   │

Duration: 7:06 mins
Composed from September, the 18th to the 23rd, 2012.
Total composing time was over 16+ hourz.
Channels: 16/47 (Host/Virtual)
Samples are taken from MadBit, DJRed, Zest, M3, Keith and various unknown
people. Thank you all!

(IT2.14+ version required due to sample compression !)

Welcome back again, dear lovely friends! While having a wonderful
experience at Indian Spirit 2012, I was really reborn with the bliss and
joy of life.

Thanks to the aid of the wonderful, respectable magic mushroom, I was
totally merging with everything that is. I was totally in ecstatic union
with the music and everything surrounding me. Any concept of separation
was clearly shown to me as illusion. We're really just one!
I did see the whole evolution from light to the current Goa festivals
including all potentials.
I arrived at the star child galactic base and therefore returned to our
galactic source. There, I saw our extraterrestial brothers dancing and
teaching universal ecstasy by teaching us how to use music as carrier wave
into the fifth dimension. I also recognized that this is our core
family we will return to after zero date (21-Dec-2012) at 11:11 GMT. Each
tone was experienced by me as one starship transmitting this information
to a specific target destination.
Everything apart of this is just undescribeable in our limited 4D

Also I want to deeply thank the shaman from the Chai tent at the Indian
Spirit, who was aiding me in cleaning the hara line and chakras as well
as my pains I had on my shoulders and in the knees. Perfect work! I love
you so much! Thank you!

Apart from the wonderful festival, I started to ingest "Monoatomic Gold"
in order to accelate the ascension process as well as healing all
remaining issues. And guess, to my surprise, it works way better than I
did ever expect!
Not only is my hard hearing problem, which lasted since very beginning of
this reincarnation, more and more dissolving, but even other karmic topics
are appearing way a lot faster in order to be processed and integrated
into a harmonic spiritual experience.
I was reading about monoatomic elements some years ago, but have been very
skeptical due to the unimagineable claims attached with them. However, I
recently followed intuition regarding this and therefore gave it a try:
Yew! Beautiful! I'm really eating star seed (Sun is a golden colored star
and acting like a single atom of gold, as the monoatomic gold is a
holographic projection of the macrocosm Sun into the microcosm gold atom.
It creates a MerKaBa field around your DNA strands (ever asked why helix /
vortex and torus are appearing on the whole scale of the universe?) and
thereby triggers super conductivity in your cells and DNA, causing your
body and soul interacting way more effectively.

What else to say? Well, I personally think this track is sounding far more
like Goa, as known from the festivals than anything else I did before!
Music tracking is now, thanks to the powerful transformations appeared
recently in my life, a completely different, joyful experience to me.
I'm sure you will enjoy this track as I did while composing! Have fun! And
let the dream of total consciousnessly alive unity of the whole universe
come true NOW!

In that sense, a wonderful good bye to you all!

Scene greetings:
CREW, THE SUPERIONS, ZaSTaR, SHiZO and all others I've forgotten (I know
that I always forget somebody, so forgive me. If you're a quality scene
member/group, I probably have forgotten you, unless I don't know you)...

Personal greetings and Merry Christmas wishes just go to:
Sarasvati, Graf Philip Brockdorff and Claudia, Iris Martinek, Martin Nier,
Patros Jaeger, Jessica Vogt, Frederic LeBlanc, Heike, Laela, Bluetaurus,
Jennifer Klemme, Thilo Blitz, Toby, Jana, Sahne, Arkana, Suse Lewerenz,
Frederic LeBlanc, Frederic Schulze, Felix Muenchhalfen, Montalk (dear Tom,
thanks for knowing you), Sascha Walther, Quirin Blaeser, Susanne Kueppers
and all other from Tollense Lebenspark project, Yasmin Bltz, Wilhelm
Hanrath, Frank Robel, Silke Meyer, Linda Klesper, Sabine Demonthy, Hassan
Anani, Gwendolyn Kriwaczek, Neoschamane, tUv0k, Scorpion25, Habib,
Lars-Christian Pelz (aka DJ Trackmaster), Kristina & Eva Kratochvilova
from Czech Republic, Lloyd Rosen, Aleksander Baldeck (aka Wonder), Werner
Kunze (and Jan), Jan Woelk, Angela Doege, Heidi & Toyo and all others from
the various Goa festivals, Boris Kapuste, Holger Pasch, Thomas Thuermann,
Annett Callies, Markus Steinwerth, Thomas Schmidt, Michael & Matthias
Grosse, Lars Schmidt, Jens Grehl, Heike Moebius, Juergen Klotz, Christian
Kraft, Claudia Voigt, Bartosz Marek, Sascha Heu, Oliver Maruschko, Stefan
Wiedmann, Katja Georgl, Katja Schoetz, Carsten Graubmann, Stefan Wagner,
Steffen Friedrich, Ronald Jahn, Carsten Zackel, Matthias Heger, Robert
Wiesdof, Sven Schellberg, Romy Schulz, Bjoern Boettcher, Lars Knipping,
Ralf Anske, Folker Gramse and...YOU! (for listening to this music, even if
you found it shit). And, of course, all others who I've forgotten.

For more infos about our group look our CDGS.NFO file which should be
supplied with this song.

If you want to contact me, please do it via E-Mail:

or my Legalize!-hompeage:
http://www.legalize.com/greenhouse/bastyseasons (Legalize Marijuana and
                                                 end the drug war !!!)

Bye Bye !
                           :-) Basty (-:

Shamanism, breaking the barriers of the physical world.

Flange Bass.1

Basty/CDGS presents:
(IT2.14+ required !)

Duration: 7:06 mins
Date: 23-Sep-2012
Composing time: 16+ hourz
Channels: 16/47 (Host/V.)
Samples: MadBit, DJRed,
         Zest, M3, Keith
         and unknown.

Hello folks! I'm glad to
present you a very Goa
stylish song this time,
souding way more festival
Goa than anything else, I
composed before.
This song is dedicated to
the wonderful Monoatomic
Gold and the Indian
Spirit 2012 people!

Enjoy it!
(4 more infos press
SHIFT-F9 in IT or M in
Cubic Player. For other
players/trackers refer
to your documentation how
to show the song message)

Flange Bass.1

Basty/CDGS presents:
(IT2.14+ required !)

Duration: 7:06 mins
Date: 23-Sep-2012
Composing time: 16+ hourz
Channels: 16/47 (Host/V.)
Samples: MadBit, DJRed,
         Zest, M3, Keith
         and unknown.

Hello folks! I'm glad to
present you a very Goa
stylish song this time,
souding way more festival
Goa than anything else, I
composed before.
This song is dedicated to
the wonderful Monoatomic
Gold and the Indian
Spirit 2012 people!

Enjoy it!
(4 more infos press
SHIFT-F9 in IT or M in
Cubic Player. For other
players/trackers refer
to your documentation how
to show the song message)

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
